Quantum Alignment Fieldwork


Show us the Science

Our clients will sometimes ask us, “Is this Whoo Hoo?” Lets explore that… Our whole body is made of energy. If we were to look at our hand, the hand looks rather solid, but if you magnify that hand a tousand times you would be looking face to face with a single atom. If you magnify that atom and look into that, you will see empty space and infinitesimally tiny quantum energy particles zipping around at the speed of light. Quantum physics is the science that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. It explains from the smallest particle how the entire universe works. The discoveries of quantum physics fundamentally changed how we perceive our entire reality and how we understand everything. Therefore, Quantum fields are the most fundamental entities in the universe that we know of. Quantum fields are physical in the sense that they create real, lawful effects in spacetime. For this reason, their behavior is verifiable in physics experiments. However, quantum fields do not exist in spacetime in the same way that tables and chairs exist. If quantum fields existed in spacetime, we would be required to agree with paradoxical statements that make quantum mechanics seem baffling:

  • Electrons exist in more than one place at the same time.

  • Electrons shoot from an electron gun as a particle, travel as a wave, and land on a detector as a particle.

  • Electrons don’t have definite properties until they have an interaction with another part of the physical universe.

  • Particles travel backwards in time as in the delayed choice two-slit experiment.

Quantum Fieldwork can be performed from anywhere to any person, place, thing or event. It may be more understandable to think of quantum fields as existing in a sublevel of reality, which Dr. Ruth Kastner calls, “Quantumland.” (Then again, it may not seem more understandable!)

Quantumland is governed by the laws of quantum physics. Dr. Kastner writes, “Yet despite the amenability of quantum systems to public verifiability, …quantum systems are not contained within spacetime. It is this ‘in-between-ness’ that leads to the proposed interpretation of quantum systems as a new form of possibility which is physically real, but transcends the spacetime realm.” By “in-between-ness,” Dr. Kastner means in-between the idea level and a real physical thing in spacetime. Quantum fields vibrate in the same sense that air vibrates with sound waves when a bell is rung. What we call a “particle” is the manifestation of a localized vibration in a quantum field. While empty space is empty of real particles, that is, those which remain in existence indefinitely, it is full of virtual particles that briefly appear and disappear. These appearances and disappearances are accompanied by tiny fluctuations of the energy levels of the affected quantum fields.

Another great question our clients have, “How can energy work be done remotely?” Lets examine that together… As beings of pure energy as we discovered above, that means our thoughts and emotions are all made of energy as well. Discovered in neuroscience and physics, as in the principle described by the esteemed physicist Albert Eistein's famous formula: E=MC² energy can neither be created nor destroyed. E-motion means energy movment. This energy can affect other people. You’ve probably had the experience of sensing another person’s anger or sadness without that person having told you. Or catching another person’s happy, bubbly mood after being around that person for a short while. Your energy field isn’t simply contained in that bubble of energy around you, also refered to as an aura. It is also connected to all energy around and in every living thing. All living things and the Earth have life force energy. Energy guided with intention balances the subtle frequencies of the person’s energetic body as it is being received. Distance healing, or remote energy work, is a simple way for a practitioner to direct quantum energy to anyone, anywhere in the world, using the same intention as a local session. The energy is received immediately, as energy does not require time or distance; it is simply a function of how all life is connected as explained above.

The main components of a remote session begin with the practitioner. The practitioner connects to the quantum fields and works with intention and directs sending it to the recipient. The energy begins immediately upon that activating intention. The practitioner may also include specific additional intentions for addressing specific concerns, such as “relieving pain,” “releasing stress,” or even to “ease grief.”

The person on the receiving end can be resting and intending to receive. Tuning into their various sensations during the session. Some practitioners schedule a time to be together on the phone, or over something like Zoom, as the practitioner is sending. However, this is not necessary.

The practitioner can just send the reparative energy to the recipient at any time, and the recipient can receive it as it is being sent, or at a different time, depending on the way the practitioner structures his or her intention. The practitioner will tune into his or her intuition during the remote session to sense the energy of the recipient as the energy is being received. This helps facilitate conversation about the issues being addressed by the energy, and it helps instill confidence in the recipient for the practitioner to share this information.

Here at Energy4Life Global we have a full Quantum Emergence Proprietary System to collapse out negative mindsets, false narratives, and mind lies. We guide our clients back to remembrance of their unique intuitive soul streaming sovereignty! Our Founder and CEO, Jessica Lewis, has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in her education and spent decades perfecting this system so you can collapes time and save money by not having to go on your own search of what works and what fails. Here we teach you how to unlock your untapped potential and trust your innate intuition.